Priory Street – single dwelling



Location Land to rear of 1 Priory Street, Cambridge Main
Bederic Builders
Size Single dwelling Client Private Year 2022 - 2024

Project Description

Planning consent has recently been obtained for this dwelling. It is to be built in a former back garden area fronting Westfield Lane within the local conservation area and replaces a former garage. This street has been developed in a piecemeal fashion over the last few decades and has taken on an attractive mews-like appearance with small residential properties, each with their own individual character. These have predominantly been built in a contemporary design which is also the case on nearby North Street. The single storey, contemporary proposal with a saw-tooth roof is considered to be an appropriate form for this suburban location as it minimises ridge heights and reflects the scale and aesthetic of the adjacent garages.  The house will be constructed in structural insulated panels (SIP) and the south-west facing saw-tooth roof has been designed in such a way to accommodate integrated PV panels which form part of the sustainability strategy. The proposed material palette will use a Cambridge light weathered brick, similar to that of many of the surrounding buildings in the area. Bricks will be laid in Flemish bond and brick detailing will be used to create modern, interesting brickwork facades. The saw-tooth roof of the dwelling, as well as the roof of the bin and bike store, will be zinc clad in a dark grey colour. Construction is due to start in March 2024.