Project Description
Achieving delegated planning approval and listed building consent in July 2024 Great Common Farm is a proposal is to regenerate the site from a disused farmyard into a residential development that respects the heritage and previous uses of the buildings. Great Common Farm house (C17 / Grade 2 listed) will undergo refurbishment, which will include the repair or replacement of windows and doors, as well as the replacement of the south-facing garden room and internal repairs and alterations. The disused farm buildings will be either converted or rebuilt into four new family dwellings. Barns 5, 7, and 8 (which are pre-1948 structures) will be retained and refurbished. Barn 9, although a pre-1948 structure, will be demolished, as its removal enhances the setting of Great Common Farm house. Despite the development not strictly adhering to the precise wording of planning policy, the proposal was designed to enhance the setting of the listed building and improve the existing public right of way which was deemed to significantly outweigh the departure from policy. The primary challenge lay in navigating Policy S/7 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018), which restricts development outside development frameworks except under specific circumstances. The application sought permission for new dwellings outside of the Development Framework, necessitating consideration of other policies within the Local Plan. Policy H/17, which allows for the adaptation of redundant buildings in rural areas for residential use, was particularly relevant. Although the proposal involved the demolition and rebuilding of the majority of the existing structures, it was designed to closely match the existing footprints and scale, thereby aligning with the spirit of Policy H/17.