Project Description
The flint house is a replacement dwelling/farmhouse on the edge of the picturesque village of Barley in the Hertfordshire countryside. The site is currently occupied by a farmhouse which dates from the first half of the C20 and is difficult to adapt to the needs of the current owners in terms of layout and sustainability.
The proposed design retains the two feature gables on the southern elevation and a tall chimney stack which echoes the composition of the existing house from afar. The proposal has a simple form articulated with large format window openings.
The windows have been carefully situated in locations that maximise views onto the open countryside and make the most of solar gain on the southern aspect. A covered veranda is located on the southern elevation, and large roof overhangs have been introduced to provide some solar shading and sense of shelter. Other sustainable measures will include a ground source heat pump and high values of thermal insulation.
The proposal will use a traditional palette of material with external walls built in a combination of flintwork and weathered buff facing bricks. Brick detailing will be introduced around window openings and brick quoins will be used on external corners in a traditional manner. Window frames will be aluminium with a dark grey powder coated finish to read as part of the opening. The proposed roof covering will be a natural slate, which again reflects the fabric of the existing house.
We consider that this proposal will maintain and enhance the character of the Conservation Area and integrate well into the wider landscape setting.