Project Description
Historic maps (Circa 1900) show that the existing barn complex once had an additional eastern range which served to enclose the courtyard. The current proposal seeks to reflect this historic pattern of development and, coupled with the conversion of an adjoining outbuilding, is a way of providing the much needed ‘accessible’ accommodation for dependent family members.
The new accommodation has been designed to function as a separate annex, able to be used and lived in without interacting with the main house. It has its own entrance and private garden and allows privacy and independence for the client’s parents. Internally, the courtyard will act as a focus and a communal space between the various zones of the main house.
Rather than imitate the existing house, we propose that the extension will be contemporary and minimal in style, creating a clear distinction between the historic fabric and the modern addition. Despite this, the proposal will remain subservient to the existing historic fabric. To avoid overpowering the barn, we are keeping the height of the proposal at a single storey, covered in a flat green roof. We are also keeping the facades and detailing as minimal as possible with a restrained material palette which compliments the existing house. Glazed elements will be introduced at junctions between the new and old to reinforce the distinction.