Novum House, Water Lane – 14 flats



Location 1-4 Water Lane, Cambridge Main
P.R. Build
Size 14No. flats Client Laragh Homes Year 2016-2018

Project Description

This scheme for 14 flats replaced a dilapidated terrace of 4 houses. The proposed development is intended to improve this somewhat neglected site by providing a positive built form that addresses both the street frontage and the parking area at the rear. From Water Lane, the design has been conceived as a simple 2.5 storey rectangular terraced form with a two storey projecting wing at the rear. The second-floor element is set back from the front façade and end elevation to create a comfortable transition in scale between adjacent properties. Internally, all flats are dual aspect (i.e. with windows on more than one elevation). The  flats also benefit from an open plan dining/kitchen/living area with separate bedroom accommodation.