Project Description
This site is situated in a 'back land' area to the rear of existing properties on the edge of the village framework. The ethos of the proposed dwelling is of a high quality contemporary design made up of four simple elements. One of these elements contains the living areas (including the dining/kitchen), the second element contains the bedrooms and secondary accommodation, the third is a largely glazed linking element housing the stairwell and the fourth is a subservient semi-submerged basement which contains a swimming pool and changing areas.
The two main blocks of accommodation are at different levels in response to the topography of the site, creating a split-level dwelling with circulation space situated between. All elements have different roof heights and pitches to help provide a broken ridge line and visual interest. Internally, open plan living accommodation is provided, with some bedroom accommodation at ground level. Part of the brief was that the visual presence of vehicles within the plot should be minimised. We have hidden car parking and garden storage within a separate structure which is earth and grass covered to form part of the soft landscaping at the front of the site.
The siting of the dwelling has been chosen to retain the boundary of mature trees and hedging, whilst providing a generous garden depth to the lighter south side of the site. A particular feature of the building is the use of Corten steel cladding to the upper levels. Corten steel is a natural material which develops into rich earthy colours with a natural patina. The Corten finish is a good compliment to the tree foliage and natural landscaping hues. Other materials of note used on the dwelling are a weathered buff brick, dark grey powder coated windows and a planted sedum roof to help integrate the building into its semi-rural setting.